New GemBox.Document 2.1 Release

We have just released a new setup and help for GemBox.Document 2.1 with the following new features:

  • Mail merge supports date/time (/@) and numeric (/#) format switches in mail merge fields. There is no more need to use string properties in your mail merge data source or handle FieldMerging event to apply custom formatting. Use ci switch or DefaultFormattingCulture to specify the culture used for formatting field values.
  • Added ASP.NET utility methods: DocumentModel.Save(Object, String) and DocumentModel.Save(Object, String, SaveOptions) which enable you to stream the document to browser from ASP.NET in just one line of code.
  • New web demo: Ajax HTML Editor with source code included which shows how to create DocumentModel from HTML string and export it to DOCX, PDF and other supported formats.
  • Updated GemBox.Document Examples with new features and improved examples.
  • Added support for printing to network printers.
  • Added basic support for reading VML images in DOCX files.
  • Various bug fixes and improvements in PDF writing and DOCX reading/writing. For more details, see GemBox.Document bug fixes page.

We hope that you like the new features. If you have any feedback, feel free to send us an e-mail.