GemBox.Document 3.5 v1784 Released

We have released a new version of GemBox.Document with the following list of features, improvements, and fixes included:

  • Fixed issue with hyperlinks that have region-specific characters in PDF writer.
  • Fixed issue with printing rotated shape.
  • Added support for multiple margins on a single page in PDF writer.
  • Fixed issue with abstract numbering definition that contains multiple levels with the same associated paragraph style.
  • Fixed issue with different glyph data lengths in PDF writer.
  • Fixed issue with floating and inline tables overlapping in PDF writer.
  • Added support for cloning macros.
  • Added support for PdfSaveOptions.Version.
  • Added support for ChartType.Doughnut.
  • Fixed issue with character format of field’s result text in DOCX reader.
  • Increased the BouncyCastle.Cryptography version dependency.
  • Fixed issue with incorrect chart color in PDF writer.
  • Fixed issue with importing HTML into detached Paragraph elements.
  • Fixed issue with VML shape geometries in DOCX reader.
  • Fixed issue with text frame positioning in PDF writer.
  • Fixed issue with footer page numbers being cropped in PDF writer.
  • Fixed issue with 0 value for ‘colspan’ and ‘rowspan’ in HTML reader.
  • Fixed issue with bookmark links when rendering DocumentModelPage.

You can download the latest version from NuGet or from the BugFixes page.

If you have any questions, complaints, or suggestions, feel free to contact us.