GemBox.Document 3.5 v1706 Released

We have released a new version of GemBox.Document with the following list of features, improvements, and fixes included:

  • Fixed the issue with invalid list number text in the DOC reader.
  • Fixed the issue with negative CharacterFormat.Spacing in PDF writer.
  • Added support for the TableCell(DocumentModel, String) constructor.
  • Fixed the issue with unsupported elements in a high-fidelity PDF reader on Linux.
  • Fixed the issue with missing spacing after the column break in two columns section.
  • Fixed the issue with retrieving SVG image size in the MHTML reader.
  • Fixed the issue with updating the invalid IF field that contains the Unknown field in the instructions.
  • Fixed the issue with importing block-level HTML content into a Paragraph element.
  • Fixed the issue with updating locked PageRef fields in PDF writer.
  • Fixed the issue with fonts fallback on Linux when rendering document’s content.
  • Increased the SixLabors.ImageSharp version dependency.
  • Improved the performance of ZIP processing used for reading and writing DOCX and ODT files, resulting in up to 50.5% faster reading, up to 57.4% faster writing, and significant improvements in memory efficiency.
  • Fixed the issue with images being rotated in a high-fidelity PDF reader.
  • Improved the line height calculation in PDF writer, to achieve closer alignment with Microsoft Word’s rendering, ensuring a more accurate document layout.

You can download the latest version from NuGet or from the BugFixes page.

If you have any questions, complaints, or suggestions, feel free to contact us.