Removal of System.Drawing (GDI+) dependency on non-Windows platforms

We have just released new bug fixes for GemBox components with lesser dependency on System.Drawing (GDI+).

Over the last several months, we managed to isolate and restrict dependency on System.Drawing from our code for functionalities such as image handling, text measuring, printing, etc.

Although GemBox components still reference System.Drawing (for backward compatibility), at runtime, we transparently fall back to other implementations, such as SkiaSharp or ImageSharp for image handling and HarfBuzzSharp for text measuring, if System.Drawing is unable to perform the desired task.

In the future, we plan to completely remove dependency on System.Drawing for non-Windows GemBox builds because .NET 6 introduced a breaking change, making System.Drawing only supported on Windows.

If you have any questions, complaints, or suggestions, feel free to contact us.