Load and Save PowerPoint files

The example below shows how you can use GemBox.Presentation to generate a financial report by loading a template PowerPoint presentation and inserting data into it.

Imports GemBox.Presentation
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Linq

Module Program

    Sub Main()

        ' If using the Professional version, put your serial key below.

        Dim presentation = PresentationDocument.Load("%#Template.pptx%")

        ' Retrieve first slide.
        Dim slide = presentation.Slides(0)

        ' Retrieve "Title" placeholder and set shape text.
        Dim shape = slide.Content.Drawings _
            .OfType(Of Shape) _
            .First(Function(item) item.Placeholder?.PlaceholderType = PlaceholderType.Title)
        shape.Text.Paragraphs(0).AddRun("ACME Corp - 4th Quarter Financial Results")

        ' Retrieve a picture and replace its image data.
        Dim picture = slide.Content.Drawings _
            .OfType(Of Picture) _
        Using image = File.OpenRead("%#Acme.png%")
            picture.Fill.SetData(PictureContentType.Png, image)
        End Using

        ' Retrieve "Content" placeholder.
        shape = slide.Content.Drawings _
            .OfType(Of Shape) _
            .First(Function(item) item.Placeholder?.PlaceholderType = PlaceholderType.Content)

        ' Set list text.
        shape.Text.Paragraphs(0).AddRun("First item, new services.")

        shape.Text.Paragraphs(1).AddRun("Second item, new division plan.")

        shape.Text.Paragraphs(2).AddRun("Third item, new marketing campaign.")

        ' Retrieve second slide.
        slide = presentation.Slides(1)

        ' Retrieve "Title" placeholder And set shape text.
        shape = slide.Content.Drawings _
            .OfType(Of Shape) _
            .First(Function(item) item.Placeholder?.PlaceholderType = PlaceholderType.Title)
        shape.Text.Paragraphs(0).AddRun("4th Quarter Financial Highlights")

        ' Retrieve a table.
        Dim table = slide.Content.Drawings _
            .OfType(Of GraphicFrame) _
            .First(Function(item) item.Table IsNot Nothing) _

        ' Fill table data.
        table.Rows(1).Cells(1).Text.Paragraphs(0).Elements.OfType(Of TextRun).First().Text = "$14.2M"
        table.Rows(1).Cells(2).Text.Paragraphs(0).Elements.OfType(Of TextRun).First().Text = "(0.5%)"

        table.Rows(2).Cells(1).Text.Paragraphs(0).Elements.OfType(Of TextRun).First().Text = "$1.6M"
        table.Rows(2).Cells(2).Text.Paragraphs(0).Elements.OfType(Of TextRun).First().Text = "0.7%"

        table.Rows(3).Cells(1).Text.Paragraphs(0).Elements.OfType(Of TextRun).First().Text = "$12.5M"
        table.Rows(3).Cells(2).Text.Paragraphs(0).Elements.OfType(Of TextRun).First().Text = "0.3%"

        table.Rows(4).Cells(1).Text.Paragraphs(0).Elements.OfType(Of TextRun).First().Text = "$2.3M"
        table.Rows(4).Cells(2).Text.Paragraphs(0).Elements.OfType(Of TextRun).First().Text = "(0.2%)"

        presentation.Save("Template Use.%OutputFileType%")

    End Sub
End Module
PowerPoint template populated with GemBox.Presentation
Screenshot of PowerPoint template populated with GemBox.Presentation

See also

Next steps

GemBox.Presentation is a .NET component that enables you to read, write, edit, convert, and print presentation files from your .NET applications using one simple API.

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