GemBox.Imaging 1.3 v1015 Released

We have released a new version of GemBox.Imaging with the following list of features, improvements, and fixes included:

  • Added support for resizing images by keeping the aspect ratio using Image.Resize method.
  • Added support for image frames that can be retrieved via Image.Frames collection. The support includes:
    • Merging multiple images/frames into a single image (e.g. GIF images).
    • Separating an image with multiple frames into multiple images (e.g. converting TIFF to multiple PNG images).
    • Adding, removing, replacing, or extracting frames contained in an image.
  • Added support for image filters that include brightness, contrast, saturation, hue, and more using Image.ApplyFilter method.
  • Added support for ImageFrame.Metadata property.
  • Increased the SixLabors.ImageSharp version dependency.

You can download the latest version from NuGet or from the BugFixes page.

If you have any questions, complaints, or suggestions, feel free to contact us.